SAP Program RCBIH_BUPA_ROLE_ASSIGN - EHS: Assign Roles for Business Partners (Based on Type)

Currently only relevant for translation into English.
Assignment of roles to business partners taking the business partnertype into account.

This report program assigns special roles to the business partners thatwere created as general business partners and are not yetassigned to any special roles. Special business partner types are usedfor the assignment.

The report program can be started in a test mode in which no datarecords are changed in the tables.
The report program can be started in a full or shorter documentationmode (LONGLIST).

The program comprises the following steps:

  • Define the assignment relationship: partner type to partner role.

  • The following rules for assigning business partner types to businesspartner roles are used:
    AA --> HEA010
    ARZT --> HEA010
    DA --> HEA010
    HNOA --> HEA010
    INST --> CBIH20
    KKH --> HEA030
    SP --> CBIH10
    UNFI --> HEA050
    UNMA --> CBIH10
    ZA --> HEA010
    • Read all data to the memory.

    • Check whether all defined roles exist in the system.

    • Check whether all partner types found are assigned to a role.

    • Check whether roles were already assigned to persons.

    • No new roles are then assigned to these persons.
      • Assign the remaining persons to roles.
      • Notes
        The report program serves as an example of a special combination ofpartner types and partner roles. The program can be copied and used foranother assignment between partner types and roles, and the assignmentsredefined in the source text under '* define assignment'. Other sourcetext changes are not necessary.
        In each case, Customizing for the roles and types must be modified. Forexample, the field modifications for the roles for all fieldsmust be set to not specified, in order to identify the settingsfor the type as decisive.
        Change documents are not written.