SAP Program RCATSFAW_1 - Time Sheet: Hide Fields New for Release 4.6A

As of Release 4.6A, the time sheet worklist and data entry sectioninclude new fields. In the standard system, the fields are ready forinput for all data entry profiles, which means that your profilescontain more input fields after the upgrade than they did before. Thisreport sets all new fields to hidden in the field selection forall data entry profiles.
These fields are:
In the data entry section

  • CATSD-VERSL - Overtime compensation type

  • CATSD-WTART - Tax area

  • In the data entry section and worklist
    • CATSD-SPRZNR - Sender business process

    • This has the same result as using the Modifiable option inField Selection to set all new fields for all profilesto hidden.

      The report only changes the field selection of profiles for which youhave already determined the field selection.
