This program compresses all report bodies stored in the database.

Report bodies that were stored before the use of WWI compression canbe compressed subsequently using this program.
To do this, all report bodies are read from the database. The reportsare compressed and stored in the SAP database again.
The Processing priority (VPRIOR) field is set to 1 in thedocument info record (DRAW) to mark the compressed reports in the SAPsystem. At the same time, a check is run in WWI to establish whetherthe report was already compressed. These reports are not processedfurther. The Processing priority (VPRIOR) field is simply setto 1. Reports for which the Processing priority (VPRIOR) fieldis already set to 1 are not processed.
The program is executed as a background job and can have a very longruntime. The program should be run directly in test mode before thebackground job is started. A maximum of 100 reports are processed intest mode. An error analysis can then be made on the basis of the log.
A generation server can be specified for WWI compression. If nogeneration server is specified, the first active server is selectedfor the compression.
With the number of reports, you can specify how many reports areprocessed in a background job. In this way it is possible to start theprogram several times. If no entry is made in this field, all reportbodies found in the database are compressed.

Schedule the program as a background job.
Specify a variant that contains the generation server and possibly thenumber of reports to be compressed.
Execute the job.

1396966Problems with compression of EH&S report bodies
1300393EH&S WWI: Use of WWI compression