SAP Program RC1TCG11_01 - Enter Entry Function for Value Assignment Types

This program fills the Customizing table TCG11 (EHS: Value AssignmentType) with the entry function C107TSN_ENTRY for the value assignmenttypes screen.

You can check and change the generated table entries in the IMG activitySpecify Value Assignment Types in theScreen function (Initial Entry Function for Screen) field.


  • You have authorization to change specification value assignments
  • (authorization object C_SHES_TVH).
    • The tables TCG11 and TCG11SET are not being processed by any other
    • applications because when this program is started, locks are set forthese tables.

      The program enters the entry function C107VAT_ENTRY in the data recordsfor the value assignment types. Here, you can specify whetherthe entry function is entered in all value assignment types oronly in those in which no entry function has yet been entered.

      After the program has been run, a message informs you how many datarecords were updated and inserted in the tables TCG11 and TCG11SET. Ifan error occurs, an error message is displayed and the program isterminated if necessary.

      We recommend you create a variant and run the program in the background.