SAP Program RBRF_COPY_APPLCLASS - Copying and Deletion of Applicaton Classes

You can use this report to copy an entire application class includingall expressions, actions, events, rule sets, and so on.
What is not copied are expressions of expression type SAP FormulaInterpreter (implementing class 0FB001) and the long texts of thetext edit control.

You copy from a source application class to a target application class.The exact significance of the fields depends on the option selected.

The report supports the following options:

  • Create New Target Class:

  • The prerequisites are as follows:
    The source class already exists.
    The target class does not yet exist.
    • Just Add:

    • Here both application classes must already exist.
      The system adds entries of the source class to entries of the targetclass. Otherwise, no entries are changed or deleted.
      • Add and Change:

      • Here both application classes must already exist.
        The system performs the following activities here:
        -,,The system adds entries of the source class to entries of the targetclass
        -,,Entries can be changed
        -,,Entries cannot be deleted.
        • Force Matching:

        • Here both application classes must already exist.
          The system performs the following activities here:
          The system adds entries of the source class to entries of the targetclass
          Entries can be changed
          Entries can be deleted
          • Delete Target Class:

          • Here only the content of the Target Class field is relevant. Thetarget class must exist.
            Then specify whether the process should just be simulated, or whether itshould really be executed.