SAP Program RBPGJA02 - Budget Carryforward for Orders

This program enables you to carry unused budget from a closed fiscalyear forward to the following year.
You can carry budget forward more than once a time, and the differencesfrom each run are posted to the last run.
You use selection variants to select the orders.
Unused budget from an order is calculated by subtracting the actualcosts from the annual budget, exluding commitments and revenues.Settlement credits are only included if the affected amount was settledto another order, WBS element, network or network activity (eliminationof internal business volume).
The system includes actual costs for exempt cost elements (which youdefined in customizing for availability control), if you choseactivation type 1 (automatic activation for budget allocation), or 2(background activation) in the budget profile.
If the calculated value is negative, the program checks whether therehas already been a carryforward run. If so, it carries the existingcarryforward amount back to the previous year (same amount as thecalculated value). This means that only the budget already carriedforward is retrieved. You cannot transfer newly allocated budget inthis way, so "true" negative budget carryforwards are not possible.

If the program finds errors, it displays an error log. No values arecarried forward for WBS elements with errors.
You can also opt to have the program display a detail list, showing thefollowing for each WBS element with a budget (in the sender or receiveryear):

  • Carryforward

  • Budget

  • Distributed budget

  • Calculated actual value

  • Amounts already carried forward to the receiver year
  • Example
    In 1999, an order has a budget for 1000 USD and actual values of 200USD. The system carries 800 USD forward to the following year, year2000.

1048588KOCO/CJCO: Calculation of the budget carryforward
572523Termination BP001 with budget carryforward for orders (KOCO)
411839Deviating ann.budget for measures aftr budget carryforward