SAP Program RBDLSMAP - Tool: Conversion of Logical System Names

This program is used to convert a logical system name, which hasalready been defined or used in this system, to a new name. The programdetermines all the relevant tables and converts the correspondingentries.

  • Logical system names cannot be converted in productive systems. While
  • the conversion program is running, no other activities can be performedin any part of the system, including communication with other systems.
    • All IDocs in the system must have been processed, because the logical
    • system name could be a part of the IDoc data record. Logical systemnames within IDoc data records are not considered in conversion.
      • The conversion takes place in the current client. Sometimes, you also
      • need to convert the logical system name in all partner systems. Thetables for the definition of logical system names (TBDLS, TBDLST)receive preferential treatment. After you enter the system names, thesystem checks whether they have been defined. The old system name isnot converted, and the new system name is entered in its place. Oncethe conversion process is complete, including in all p
        artner systems, you then need to manually delete the old system namefrom all the tables.
        • Do not make any manual changes to the logical system names in the
        • relevant tables. If you do, the application documents will no longer befound.
          Note: Authorization
          To execute the program, you need authorization for converting thelogical system name (authorization object B_ALE_LSYS).
          The following alternatives are available for converting the logicalsystem names:
          Convert client-specific and cross-client tables
          Typical applications:
          Changing the logical system name. This means changing the logicalsystem name in all application tables of all partner systems.
          Creating a new system by database copy. In this case, you need to givethe new system a different name to the original system.
          Convert client-specific tables
          A typical application is converting the logical system name afterclient copy.
          Choose the appropriate option for your application.
          On the initial screen, enter the logical system name that you want toconvert in the Old Logical System Name field. Enter thenew logical system name in the New Logical System Namefield.
          It is advisable to start the test mode first. If you select the radiobutton Test Run, the system first analyzes all therelevant tables and determines the number of entries to be converted.These are displayed in a list. If the radio button CheckExistence of New Names in Tables is selected, the system checkswhether the new logical system name already exists in the applicationtables. If it does, a warning is displayed in the results list. Checkthe table in which the new logical system name is found, and determinewhether you need to convert these entries. If you do not, terminate theconversion.
          The conversion is also relevant for communication partners identifiedby partner number and partner type. If the partner number and logicalsystem name are the same, these table entries are also converted.
          The value in the field Number of Entries per Commit isonly relevant for conversion. To improve performance, this value shouldbe as large as possible, depending on the limits of the database rollarea.
          In the selection screen Tables for Conversion, you canselect and exclude tables for conversion, and therefore target specificdata in the database. Table T000, for assigning the client to thelogical system, receives special treatment and cannot beexcluded if you use Convert client-specific and cross-clienttables. This table is converted last. Note that if only one
          table is converted, the definition of the client for the logicalsystem is also converted, if this assignment is defined in the currentclient. This means that the application documents in the convertedtables can be found because they refer to the new logical system name,while application documents in tables that have not yet been convertedare not found, because they still refer to the old logical system name.It is therefore advisable to convert all the tables in one step.
          Check the conversion results. For example, the character * afterthe table name means that it is a cross-client table. If you chooseConvert Client-Specific and Cross-Client Tables, theexisting entries in the tables are replaced by new logical systemnames. If you do not want the entries to be replaced, choose
          Convert Client-Specific Tables, so that the old entries incross-client tables remain unchanged.
          After the program has been successfully executed, a list is producedshowing which tables and fields have been determined for conversion,and how many entries are relevant or have been converted. This processis recorded in the application log. To display the application logs,call the transaction SLG1 with the object CALEand the subobject LOGSYSNAME.
          Note: Starting the conversion using background processing
          The program RBDLSMAP can also be executed in background processing, byentering the appropriate values in the input fields. In this case, allsecurity questions during the run are automatically answered with Yes.
          Note: Performance
          The value in the Number of Entries per Commit field isonly relevant for the actual conversion (not for the test run). Toimprove performance, this value should be as large as possible,depending on the limits of the database roll area.
          Depending on the size of the dataset in the system, this conversion cantake a long time.
          The test run for particular parameters is executed once. The result ofthe test run is used for the actual conversion. To improve performance,you can execute the program for the actual conversion at the same time.This parallel processing can take place in a different client, or inthe same client for different tables.
          If you are sure that the new logical system name has not yet been used,you can deactivate the existence check in a test run.
          If you definitely do not want to convert some tables, or you want tohandle some objects individually, use transaction BDLSC to excludethese tables or define the objects. Note that defining these objectsaffects all clients, and so does the order in which the objects are tobe handled.
          Note: Restart capability
          If the conversion process is terminated for any reason, it can berestarted, because the converted data is committed in tables or insections of tables.
          Note: Checking and changing the communication settings
          Asynchronous communication: Partner profile
          When a logical system name is converted, the partner name in thecorresponding partner profile is also converted. The partner status inthe partner profile is also changed to inactive.
          After the conversion, check the partner profile (port and RFCdestination). Change these if necessary, and activate the changedpartner profile.
          Synchronous communication: RFC destination
          After the logical system name has been converted, check the RFCdestination for synchronous communication, and change it if necessary.

1030857Report for additional update after system copy
369758BDLS: New functions and better performance
428856Accounting document is not displayed in the document flow
544509ALE: Converting the name of the "logical system"
446294CC INFO: Logical system name and client copy
200480Archiving CO_ITEM: Too few or nothing archived