SAP Program RBDCUS44 - Generation of ALE Requests

Report for sending ALE Customizing requests using selection options andparameters as well as the distribution model.

The report generates requests and IDocs that notify the target system.
Notes on the CTS Dummy System
The CTS requires you to enter a target system, even though thisinformation is not used in this ALE case, as ALE controls thedistribution itself using the Info IDoc. Please enter a "pseudo"system, one to which normally nothing is transported to.
Notes on the Objects
The customizing data is assigned to customizing objects which areassigned types. Depending on the type, there may be problems generatingthe transport request, as listed below:
Object Type Remarks
L logical transport object No problems
S table (with text table) No problems
T single transaction object Restricted functionality
because no standard defined type
request generation, no line
V view Usually no problems but
no line selection for non-linked
objects (e.g. SADR* tables).