SAP Program RBDCPCLR - Delete Change Pointers

This report deletes change pointer entries from database tables. If yourun it in test mode, only a list of the selected entries is output. Thedatabase entries themseleves are only properly deleted when you removethe marking from the 'Test' checkbox.
You can select either obsolete or processed change pointers or both.Additionally, you can search according to date and time.

  • Obsolete change pointers are those which have been created up to the
  • specified date and time. If this checkbox is marked, obsolete changepointers will be reorganized regardless of whether they have yet beenprocessed.
    • Processed change pointers are those which have been processed in the
    • specified period (date and time). If this checkbox is marked, theprocessed change pointers are reorganized.

      The report outputs the number of deleted entries. In test mode, theselected change pointer entries are displayed.

1597364FAQ: BW-BCT: Extraction performance in source system
1376267MAM: Deactivating change pointer MEREP_DELTABO at BD50
563806FAQ: APO CIF
513454REP: High-performance operation with change pointers
328355BD21: Long access times for the BDCPV view