SAP Program RBDAPP01 - Inbound Processing of IDocs Ready for Transfer

Report for processing inbound IDocs not passed to the applicationimmediately.
This report forwards all IDocs with:
Status 64 "ready to be passed to application"
Status 66 "IDoc is waiting for predecessor IDoc (serialization)
These match the selection criteria to be passed to the application forfurther processing.
Essentially there are two groups of IDocs:
IDocs to be serialized in accordance with the associated object.
All other IDocs
There are also two types of processing:
Serial processing (IDocs are processed one after each other in oneprocess)
Parallel processing (IDocs are passed in packets to other processes forprocessing).
Purpose of parameter 'Packet size': For IDocs to be serialized byobject and for activated parallel processing, this parameter specifiesthe size of a packet to be processed in a task. If applicable,independent objects are processed in a separate task as with serialprocessing. (Large packet sizes lowers the level of parallelprocessing).
For all other IDocs, as far as possible, an appropriately sizeddocument is passed to the application. On the one hand, this supportssome applications capable of mass processing. On the other hand, thenumber of parallel packets is less as with activated parallelprocessing. (Lower system load, longer runtime).
Notes on Program Terminations in Parallel Processing
In parallel processing, processes containing the IDocs to be processedare started in parallel. If there is a termination (dump/ A message),no message is issued by RBDAPP01. The best way to identify suchproblems is to run RBDAPP01 without parellel mode after a scheduledRBDAPP01 with parallel mode. Then a termination is logged (dialogmessage or message in job log).

The processed IDocs are output.

1333417Performance problems when processing IDocs immediately
199840POS IDoc inbound dispatcher with locking control
986373RFC load distribution
1141760RBDAPP01: BSET-FWBAS is missing in several documents
195927ALE: Resource problem during parallel processing in inbound
1461418Exception condition "FAILURE" raised in BAPI_PO_CHANGE
1391080IDoc processing terminates due to online checks
1357671Online check for sales orders teminates IDoc processing
752194Serialization of IDoc processing
980487ALE: Idoc mass processing - incorrect status 51
966859HRALX: Dumps by processing of huge amount of IDocs
731872Technical Idoc Customizing for MI server
719941CALL_FUNCTION_WAIT_ERROR in ALE environment
718410Error when processing J3CROU IDOCs using report RBDAPP01
577595Termination when posting IDocs
418775Allocations: over-confirmed product allocation quantities
448020Double update of IDOCS in parallel inbound & Idoc locking
401432Performance & update problems after implementing Note 376750
120714EDI INVOIC01: Standard unit of measure from OBCE