SAP Program RAVRSN00 - Recalculate Base Insurable Value

Report RAVRSN00 enables you to recalculate base insurable values forthe last closed fiscal year, without reopening the year. You therebyovercome the following problem:
The system automatically updates the base insurable values once duringyear-end closing. However, the current index values for the year beingclosed are often not available at the time of closing. In this case,you need to calculate base insurable values on the basis of forecastindex values.
Once you have entered the actual index values for the closed fiscalyear, you can use this report to recalculate the base insurable valueswithout needing to repeat year-end closing.

Please note
This report only recalculates base insurable values taking into accountasset transactions during in the last closed fiscal year. It does notrecalculate values by changing the index series, nor does itrecalculate cumulative base insurable values (as is possible during thetransfer of old assets data).

373894Collective note: introdctn to prblm solutn in FI-AA