Title Analysis of CO tables for archiving object CO_ALLO_ST. Purpose You use the RARCCOAA program to analyze certain CO tables duringpreparation for archiving CO data. This is useful if you want to estimate what effect certain selectioncriteria would have on the number of archived records in certain tablesfor the CO_ALLO_ST archiving object. Prerequisites SAP recommends that you use this program to analyze CO tables ifallocations (such as assessment, distribution, and periodic reposting)are being used, and are repeatedly used or reversed. Features The program determines how many entries in the selected tables can bearchived using the CO_ALLO_ST archiving object, and for which fiscalyears and controlling areas. The system displays the results in a list. The program analyzes the following CO tables>: COEP COEJ The program includes the archiving object> CO_ALLO_ST.Activities Run the RARCCOAA program. On the selection screen choose the tables that are to be analyzed. Inthe standard System all of these are defaulted. |