Using the RAIMARED program, you can make blanket reductions of plannedcosts on appropriation requests.
The system offers three different options:

  • Reduction using uniform percentage rate

  • Plan values are reduced by the same percentage for all years. You enterthis percentage rate.
    The system ignores an entry of zero.
    • Reduction using year-dependent percentage rates

    • For this option, choose "percentage rates per year". In the input fieldthat then appears, enter the first year for which the reduction shouldtake place. Choose the pushbutton for maintaining percentage rates. Youcan directly enter percentage rates for 5 years.
      The percentage rate for following years is then applied uniformly ineach of the following years.
      • Reduction using year-dependent absolute amounts

      • Choose "absolute amounts per year". In the input field that thenappears, enter the first year for which the reduction should takeplace. Choose the pushbutton for maintaining reduction amounts.
        You can directly enter percentage rates for 5 years. The reductionamount for the following years is deducted in each of the followingyears.
        The system calculates an overall plan value using the total of allannual amounts of all selected appropriation requests. The result fromdividing the reduction amount by the the overall annual value providesa percentage rate that is then used for the reduction for allappropriation requests in the given year.
        If an appropriation request has a negative combined cost value in agiven year, this appropriation request is not included in thecalculation of the given annual overall plan value.
        the below explanation is in part from me
        Note that the percentage rates are applied so that they reduce theamount to a given percentage rate of the original amount, ratherthan by a given percentage rate. For example, if 100 is reducedto 80%, the result is 80 (not 20).
        A percentage rate of 100% means no change to plan values.
        Note that a change to the "overall value" of an appropriation requestis always the sum of the annual changes (per appropriation request).
        Example: Reduction to 50%
        Overall: 1000
        Year 96: 500 ---> 250 (DELTA=250)
        Year 97: 300 ---> 150 (DELTA=150)
        Overall: 1000 - 250 - 150 = 600
        Year 96: 250
        Year 97: 150
        • Rounding factor

        • When you enter a rounding factor (see the entry help), the systemrounds the plan values to the nearest whole number, with the number ofplaces you specify.
          The system then automatically uses this scale for the output list, ifyou have not entered any other values for list output.
          Due to rounding to the nearest whole number, the reduction amount youwanted for a given year might not be reached when you make thereductions using absolute amounts.