SAP Program RAIMAKTB - Subsequent setting of "budget distribution" indicator

You can no longer set the "budget distribution" indicator manually in acapital investment program position when measures have already beenassigned to the position.
If measures have already been assigned, you can only change theindicator subsequently using the ABAP program RAIMAKTB. This programsets the indicator for all positions of the investment program, or onlyfor certain positions.
You can only set this indicator after measures have been assigned ifthe following conditions apply:

  • The position must be an end node of the hierarchy, that is, it must be
  • a position that does not have any positions assigned below it in thehierarchy (the position has to be of this type in order for it to havemeasures assigned to it).
    • None of the investment measures belonging to the program position can
    • already have an overall budget or an annual budget.
      • Measures and appropriation requests cannot be assigned to more than one
      • program position.