SAP Program RAIDPT02_PDF - Asset Report Print Program (Portugal)

You use this report to create the following asset reports (mapasfiscais) in accordance with Portuguese legal requirements:

  • 31.00

  • 32.01 and 32.02

  • 33.01-33.19, 33.14, and 33.15

  • 34.05-34.06
  • Integration
    The program prints the data collected by the Asset Report DataRetrieval program.

    You have:

    • Run the data retrieval program

    • Maintained the address for the company code that the report is for (see
    • Customizing)


      Some remarks on some of the input fields:

      • Year

      • The year that you collected the data for with the data retrievalprogram.
        • Start date and End date

        • This information does not affect which data is selected. All that thereport does with these dates is to display them in the list.
          • Asset number

          • For report 32.01 only, you can specify which assets you want.

1628873SNC 2011 Form 32 - Column 12 for ABAT incorrect
1661304SNC Form 31 Column 3 revaluation amount reported with limits
1638235PT: Portaria nº 92-A/2011- Errors in Form 32 and Form 31 XML
1637943Error in header of the XML file for SNC forms Mapas Fiscais
1627531PT: Mapas Fiscais - Portaria nº 92-A/2011 XML for SNC forms
1636657PT:Mapas Fiscais-Errors in ABAT and CORP forms of SNC
1619839Errors with Mapas Fiscais 2011 SNC forms
1595358Mapas Fiscais SNC Form 32 and 31
1611300PT: Mapas Fiscais - Column totals are wrong in Form 3203 PDF
1613703Errors in Form SNC Mapas fiscais
1608995Errors IN Mapas Fiscais SNC forms