SAP Program RAIDPT01 - Portugal: Mapas fiscais (Data Retrieval)

You use this report to retrieve the data required for the asset reports(mapas fiscais) in accordance with Portuguese legalrequirements. This includes both master data and transaction data.
It covers the assets in the revaluation areas that you have:

  • Migrated from legacy systems

  • Assigned to revaluation areas using program RAIDPT03, which was
  • designed for revaluating assets in Portugal in 1997

    You print the reports using the Asset Report PrintProgram. You can do so as often as you need to.

    You have assigned the assets to a revaluation area. If you posted anyrevaluations for 1997 that you want to include in reports 34.05 or34.06, you must be able to access the index series that you used.


    Report date
    Set this date to the last day of the fiscal year in question.

    The report:
    Saves the retrieved data in table INDX
    Generates a log with the following data:
    The names of the INDX clusters
    The total number of clusters created
    Any error messages resulting from the program

1628873SNC 2011 Form 32 - Column 12 for ABAT incorrect
1661304SNC Form 31 Column 3 revaluation amount reported with limits
1638235PT: Portaria nº 92-A/2011- Errors in Form 32 and Form 31 XML
1637943Error in header of the XML file for SNC forms Mapas Fiscais
1627531PT: Mapas Fiscais - Portaria nº 92-A/2011 XML for SNC forms
1636657PT:Mapas Fiscais-Errors in ABAT and CORP forms of SNC
1619839Errors with Mapas Fiscais 2011 SNC forms
1595358Mapas Fiscais SNC Form 32 and 31
1611300PT: Mapas Fiscais - Column totals are wrong in Form 3203 PDF
1613703Errors in Form SNC Mapas fiscais
1605925PT: Mapas Fiscais - Duplicate values in forms
353540Asset Maps for Portugal - Collective Note 4.X
598068Mapas Fiscais - Wrong Expected Useful Life
490939Mapa Fiscal 32.2 for Fixed Assets: Cols. (14) to (16) Empty
300513Revaluation according to Law 36/1991 (Dec. 22/1992)
200203Mapas Fisc. FI-AA: Wrong Val. for Use. Life & Average Rates