SAP Programs

Program Text
RADBTDE2 DD: Initialization Forms for the Navigator Paths
RADBTDLT DD: Generalized Delete Operations
RADBTFRA DDinternal: Basic Tool: Definition of Frames for List Output
RADBTITB DD: Int. Tables: COPY_TABLE, APPEND_TABLE, etc. (as report)
RADBTLOG DD: Standard log
RADBTMAP DD: Map initialization
RADBTMUT DD: Semaphores
RADBTOUT DD - Standard Output, External Version
RADBTPRT Diplay of Activation Log
RADBTSEL DD: Area Access to Tables (External Version)
RADBTSIG DD: Interprocess communications
RADBTSTA DD: Universal status management
RADBTTMR DD-Basic Tool: TIMER, Methods for Time Measurement
RADBUFTR DD: Transfer of Buffering Data from DDBUF
RADCLMIG Incremental Migration: Final Clean-Up
RADCOLOR Report to Display of All Available Colors (Including Inverse)
RADCOPYO DD: Form for copying DD objects
RADCSTEP DD: Definition of Conversion Steps
RADCUCNT ABAP Dictionary: Fill Unicode Nametab
RADCUCNTUPG Upgrade: Generierung uc-Nametab über RADCUCNT
RADCVBTC Report for Background Scheduling of Individual Conversions
RADCVCHK DD: Check tables for necessity to convert
RADCVDIS DD: Starts converter jobs
RADCVSTA DD: Progress computation in ICNV
RADDBDIF Control Program for Processing the DBDIFF
RADDBXP1 DD: Program for Activating the 'NOT NULL' Field Attribute
RADDBXP2 DD: XPRA for Deleting Old DDL - and Converter Reports
RADDCONF DD: Insert conflict data elements in DTELRENAME
RADDD03L Test: DD07T Activation
RADDD03Z Test: DD07T Activation
RADDDTYP DD: Inhouse XPRA for filling DDTYPES
RADDELINC XPRA: inkonsistente Objekte im DDIC finden und bereinigen
RADDJOBS DD: Schedule Jobs Using TACOB and TBATG
RADDOCHL DD: Check Routines of Domain Activation Prog. for General External Use
RADDODBA DD: Access to DB Tables for the Domain Activation Program
RADDOINI DD: Def. of Activation Modes of Domain Act. Prog. (Proc. Flow, Checks)
RADDOTXT Clean up texts for domain fixed values
RADDOUTL DD: Report with Externally Used Utilities of Domain Activation Program
RADDRCHK DD: Check for Data Elements with Conflicts
RADDRDOC DD: XPRA for Renaming Data Elements In-House
RADDREX1 DD: Data Element Renaming During Shadow Upgrade: Phase 1
RADDREX2 DD: Data Element Renaming During Shadow Upgrade: Phase 2
RADDREXE DD: XPRA for Renaming Data Elements In-House
RADDRREP DD: Preparation of additional data elements with conflicts
RADDTCHL DD: Check Routines of Domain Activation Prog. for General External Use
RADDTDOR DD: Rename data elements in the docu
RADDTINI DD: Behavior Definition Methods for DTEL Activation Program
RADDTLEN DD: XPRA for correcting length definitions in data elements
RADDTLIR DD: XPRA for renaming links to data element documentation
RADDTML1 DD: Master language changed locally in a system
RADDTN41 DD: XPRA: Fill sources+nametab for DTEL with direct type entry
RADDTRCH DD: Determine Dtel docu & links under old AND new names
RADDTREN DD: XPRA for Renaming Data Elements In-House
RADDTRIS DD: Create object list for renaming action for data elements
RADDTTXT DD: XPRA for correcting length definitions in data elements
RADDTUTL DD: Report with Externally Used Utilites of Data Element Act. Program
RADEIACT Contains forms for activating external indexes
RADEL082 Delete Field Groups For Correction 18209 (Inter-Client)
RADENACT FORMs for Activating Lock Objects
RADENALL Report for Activating All Lock Objects
RADENCHK Report for FORMs for Checking Lock Objects
RADENDEP DDintern: Abhängigkeiten zu Suchhilfen
RADENGEN Contains FORMs for Generating Lock Function Modules
RADENINS Report for Instantiation of Schema RADENSCH
RADENPAR REPORT zum Berechnen der maximalen Parametermenge eines Sperrobjektes
RADENQUFM Activate Lock Objects Without Lock Modules
RADENXPR XPRA for Regenerating all Lock Function Modules
RADFDSAV Report for Finding Fields with Risk of Being Deleted
RADGENREP DD: Generation of subroutine-pools
RADICGET DD: Writes objects to convert and their environment to object lis
RADICNTC DD: Generates ICNV30/31L entries
RADICUPO DD: Forms of ICNV that are based on the latest upgrade tools
RADILOOP DD: General incremental conversion process
RADIMOVE DD: Universal conversion
RADINCNV DD: Check program for incremental table conversion
RADINMIG DD: Entries for incremental migration
RADISTE0 DD: Standard pool of elementary conversion steps
RADISTEL DD: Pool of elementary conversion steps for ICNV without modifications
RADISTEP DD: Definition of conversions
RADISTEU DD: Standard pool of elementary conversion steps in the upgrade
RADISTOR DD: Storage parameter in ICNV (display and maintenance)
RADISYNC DD: Routines for process synchronization in the ICNV
RADITFIL DD: Fills DDCNVTABL out of transport order with ICNV candidates
RADITOOL DD: Subprogram for incremental conversion
RADIVERI ABAP Dictionary: Check for Incremental Conversion (Destroys Test Data)
RADIXCDB ABAP/4 Dictionary: Checking the Index Activation Program Wth Database
RADIXCHK DD: Checks of index activation program (act. kernel)
RADIXMAS ABAP/4 Dictionary: Interf. Between New Index Act. and Mass Activ. Pr.
RADIXTOL Tools for Working with Indexes
RADKFCHK Archive File Consistency Check
RADLANGU DD: Conversion of DD data type LANG
RADLKMIG IMIG: Limit Key Determination
RADMAPRCMP DD: Compare mass activation program action logs
RADMASBF DD: Pufferung für die DD-Schnittstellen bei Massenverarbeitung
RADMASDL DD: Mass Deleting Program
RADMASDS DD: Database selections
Lines 16401 to 16500 of 57103 entries
1 163 164 165 166 167 572