SAP Program RAHERK01 - List of Origins of Asset Charges

This report lists the origin of transactions that affect acquisitionvalue in a fiscal year.

For each line item, the report lists whether it concerns

  • a settlement of an order or project

  • a settlement of an asset under construction

  • a purchase acquisition (with vendor)

  • a transfer from one asset to another

  • a balance forward posting following line item settlement (only for
  • assets under construction)
    • an acquisition against a clearing account (G/L account)

    • a goods receipt or

    • a transaction that only affects assets (such as an acquisition in the
    • cost-accounting area only).
      For line items from the settlement of an asset under construction, itis also possible to identify the origin of the line item amount. Youcan see what amounts of which settled line items of the asset underconstruction make up the line item amount. It is not currentlypossible to get a similar display for settled line items from orders orprojects.
      In certain circumstances, it may not be possible to obtain a clearproof of origin for the following transaction types: purchaseacquisition, asset transfer, acquisition against clearing account, andgoods receipt. If this is the case, the system attempts to determinethe origin using plausibility checks, but the transactions are markedwith a (?). In these instances, you can only obtain more exactinformation from the original document. You can display the originaldocument from the list by selecting the function Choose.

71079Investment acct. assignment fields for assets
591366RAHERK02 incorrect in the "Tax Audit Asset Accounting" role
212146Line item after settlement investment measure
52321RAHERK01: List printout unclear for AUCs
102180RAHERK01: selection by vendor misleading