SAP Program RAGITT_ALV01 - Asset History Sheet

Report RAGITT01 is for setting up an asset history sheet according tocountry-specific legal requirements and for creating other reports(which can be freely defined in Asset Customizing) regarding assettransactions. The most important parameter when starting the report isthe asset history sheet version. The asset history sheet versiondetermines the form and content of the report.
The asset history sheet is the most important and most comprehensivereport for the year-end closing or for an interim financial statement.As with all other lists, it can be set up with any sort versions, andtotal on any group level. You can also create a compact totals listwithout individual asset information.
When you call the asset history sheet, the system checks whether thedefinition of the history sheet version is complete. The history sheetversion is complete when all value categories (asset balances, valueadjustments, depreciation, and so on) have been assigned to a cell inthe history sheet version. If the history sheet version you are usingis not complete, you should check the Customizing definition of thehistory sheet version and of the transaction types that belong to it.

The system determines whether the history sheet version is completebased on Customizing definitions (especially the defined transactiontypes). Therefore it is possible that even standard history sheetversions supplied by SAP can be incomplete by this definition.

You can freely define line and column structure in the asset historysheet (for more information, see the Implementation Guide). SAPdelivers country-specific versions of the asset history sheet, whichsatisfy the legal requirements of the given country (for example, the4th EC directive). Additional history sheet versions are also available(for example, for displaying the development of reserves for specialdepreciation).

1496486REPORTING - changed interface for ALV output
1261130ALV list - problems with sort fields
1566099Reporting in Asset Accouting
141876 Authorization checks in asset reporting
1496720Quantity management and quantity specification in reporting
1366920ANLBZA - Reporting
1242262Incorrect LVA retirement simulation for closed fiscal years
1129576 Revised SAP standard variants (sort versions)
448075Call of Asset Accounting reports with output in table
711367RAGITT: History sheet name truncated on selection screen
671702Validity display time-dependent data
450770Tax reduction law: Separate authorization check
627423Revised SAP standard variants R/3 Enterprise 4.70
450158RAGITT_ALV01: No display of ANLA-TXA50 possible
331089Incorrect default values w/ standard variants