SAP Program RAFO_FOI_POSTPROCESS - Financial Object Integration: Postprocessing Interface

Financial Object Integration: Interface to Postprocessing

This report provides an interface between the error log for financialobject integration and master data maintenance. It makes the archivedinformation in the error log accessible. You can correct any objectsthat contain errors by directly branching to the maintenance functionsfor master data.


You can restrict the amount of logs for processing by specifying theuser and the date. You also have the option of importing existingvariants for representing the log header data.


  • Display log:

  • From the tree structure of the logs: select a line and the function keyDisplay log.
    From the list of log header data: double-click on a log line
    • Postprocessing:

    • First select a log in the list of log header data and then choosePostprocess.
      • Refresh:

      • The current version of the error log is imported and presented. Usethis function to update the amount of work, as changes to financialobjects can also be made outside the area of postprocessing.
        Note: The database change for the error log is executed asynchronously.This means that the log header continues to be displayed aftersuccessful postprocessing. Use the Refresh function to updatethe list.