SAP Program RAEWUS0A - Preparation prog. FI-AA euro conversion - indicator for value fields

Report RAEWUS0A analyzes the preconditions for starting the eurochangeover in the FI-AA (Asset Accounting) component.
The system carries out the following checks:
Is the current fiscal year in Asset Accounting the same as thechangeover year?
Is the year before the current fiscal year already closed?
Was the periodic posting program run recently -- meaning you have notposted any documents since the last time it was run?
Are memo values still active in Asset Accounting?
Have you limited the transaction types for the current fiscal year toacquisitions?
In addition, the system writes certain indicators in table EWUANLAVORfor each asset. You can analyze these entries after the changeover.

Time for running the report
Phase of the changeover: Conversion (FILL)

Special notes
Start the report only in the background.
Do not make any type of asset postings while the report is running.

When check conditions are not met, they are logged with error messages.
An entry is made in table EWUANLAVOR for each asset. The report entersan indicator there, showing the whether the value field is positive ornegative, for each relevant field of ANLC.