SAP Program RAEWAS0A - Analysis program for differences btw transactions in FI-AA and FI-GL

The program selects all asset transactions of a given fiscal year andcompares the amounts with the corresponding general ledger documents.
However, the system is only able to compare the asset number and theG/L account per document, since it is possible that summarization wascarried out.

The program outputs all assets that show differing amounts in documentsas compared to line items.
You then have to manually compare the listed documents using thedocument display and the asset value display.
After the euro conversion, there are two situations, depending onwhether or not the reconciliation between Asset Accounting and theGeneral Ledger was already carried out.
If it was, then you can no longer reverse the documents listed in thereport, since otherwise you need to reconcile again.
If it was not, then we recommend that you reverse the document.

97097Collective note for euro FI-AA: after changeover