SAP Program RABEST_ALV01 - Asset Balances

Report RABEST01 is for displaying values of fixed assets.

The report displays the values of all assets in a depreciation area. Thefollowing values are displayed in detail per asset:

  • The cumulative acquisition value at the beginning of the fiscal year

  • Accumulated depreciation, including the planned depreciation for the
  • current fiscal year (the sum of all depreciation types)
    • The planned book value at the end of the reporting year

    • Additioinal standard versions of the report allow for primary selectionand creation of totals according to various criteria (asset class,business area, cost center, and so on).

      Further notes
      For more information, see "Information System" of Asset Accounting inthe SAP library.

1496486REPORTING - changed interface for ALV output
1261130ALV list - problems with sort fields
1566099Reporting in Asset Accouting
141876 Authorization checks in asset reporting
335065 Include user-defined fields in reports
1496720Quantity management and quantity specification in reporting
1366920ANLBZA - Reporting
1158620Reporting - no summarization of quantity in main numbers
1129576 Revised SAP standard variants (sort versions)
875231Hierarchical fixed asset reports called w/ expdt in table
448075Call of Asset Accounting reports with output in table
456965Display validity time-dependent data
450770Tax reduction law: Separate authorization check
627423Revised SAP standard variants R/3 Enterprise 4.70
383510Display of posted values in reporting and AW01N
526282Reporting: Include error w/ user-defined fields in reports
331089Incorrect default values w/ standard variants