Purpose To ensure flexibility when setting up this scenario, we have creatednew tables for the object and data provider> in the ManagerSelf-Service> business package. These tables are similar to the column framework> that is used,for example, in Manager's Desktop>. If you use the column framework> and want to continue to use thetable settings in the Manager Self-Service> business package, youcan use this conversion report to integrate entries from the oldcolumn framework> tables into the new tables. This means that youcan use previously defined columns and column groups in the newscenario. The system converts the following tables:
- T77COL> (HR-OM: Column Definition for Structures) in table
TWPC_COL> (Column Definition)
- T77COLT> (HR-OM: Texts on Column Definition for Structures) in
table TWPC_COL_T> (Texts on Column Definition)
- T77ARRAYTP> (Structure Type) in table TWPC_ARRAYTP> (Column
Group Definition)
- T77ARRAYTT> (Text Table for T77ARAYTP) in table
TWPC_ARRAYTP_T> (Text Table for Column Group Definition)
- T77ACOL> (HR-OM: Columns in a Structure) in Table TWPC_ACOL
> (Columns in a Column Group)
- T77ACOLINI> (Initial Settings of Columns in an Array Type) in
table TWPC_ACOL> (Columns in a Column Group)
- T77ACOLC> (HR-OM: Columns in a Structure) in table
TWPC_ACOL_C> (Columns in a Column Group - Customer)
- T77COLHTYP> (HR-OM: Definition of Column Header Types) in table
TWPC_COLHTYP> (Definition of Column Header Types)
- T77COLHEAD> (HR-OM: Composite Definition for Column Headers) in
table TWPC_COLHEAD> (Redefining Column Headers)
- T77COLH_C> (HR-OM: Customer-Specific Redefinition of Column
Headers) in table TWPC_COLHEAD_C> (Redefining Column Headers -Customer)
- T77FRIEND> (HR-OM:Type of Column Grouping) in table
TWPC_FRIEND> (Definition of coherence relationships)
- T77FRIENDT> (HR-OM: Text for Column Groupings) in table
TWPC_FRIEND_T> (Texts on the Definition of CoherenceRelationships)
- T77HIERATP> (Column Framework: Hierarchical Column Groups) (as of
release 4.6C) in table TWPC_HIERATP> (Hierarchical Column Groups)
- T77HIERATC> (Column Framework: Hierarchical Column Groups) (as of
release 4.6C) in Tabelle TWPC_HIERATP_C> (Hierarchical ColumnGroups - Customer)Features Activities Start the conversion report in test mode. In other words, set theTest Run> flag on the selection screen. Check the results list. Start the report productively. In other words, execute the programwithout setting the Test Run> flag. The system converts theabove-mentioned tables.Notes You must not change any of the tables while the program is running. Thecolumn framework> tables are cross-client. The new tables for theManager Self-Service> business package are client-dependent. Thesystem fills the new tables in the client in which you started theconversion report. If you need the tables in several clients, you must execute the reportin each client.