This test report checks the functionality of maintain and resolveoverlap of the function module
Condition technique business configuration objects are available. Thisincludes application, condition maintenance groups, condition tables,condition types, etc. This reports work only for PRT application.
This report can be executed as a stand alone report or in a ABAP unittest framework. This report creates two condition records whichcompletely overlaps, and the overlap is resolved in the methodSYNC_AND_RESOLVE_OVERLAP of the class /sapcnd/cl_maintenance_il.
The output will be displayed in the standard ABAP unit test framework oras a standard stand alone report output.
This report has three include programs.
1. prc_mast_maint_resolve_testf01
This include program deletes all the condition records which arepresent in the database with the same key fields values as that of thecondition record going to be created by the report. This is done at thebegining of the report.
2. prc_mast_maint_resolve_srv
This include program creates two condition records which overlapscompletely. These condition records are created with release status'F'(Inactive), so that the records don't overlap at the time ofcreation. Afterwards the records are selected for modification and therelease status is changed to released one by one. The first record aloneis saved in the database. The second record is then passed to the methodSYNC_AND_RESOLVE_OVERLAP to check and resolve the overlap. Once anoverlap is detected, it resolves overlap by splitting the records.Example is given below.
3. prc_mast_maint_resolve_aunit
This include has the class definition and the implementation formethods setup, teardown, del_old_rec, and prc_mast_maint_resolve.
Validity period of first condition record: 20/04/2007 to 22/04/2007
Validity period of second condition record: 21/04/2007 to 21/04/2007
After resolving the overlap there will be three records.
Validity period of first condition record: 20/04/2007 to 20/04/2007
Validity period of second condition record: 21/04/2007 to 21/04/2007
Validity period of third condition record: 22/04/2007 to 22/04/2007