SAP Program PRC_MAST_HIERACHY_MAINT_TEST - Prog to tst the functionality of free key part for master data maint

This report tests the functionality of the function module/SAPCND/MNT_MAINTAIN_OW in case of creating condition records with freekey part (access type A). These records are used by hierarchy accesses.Hierarchy accesses optimize pricing for hierarchy data structures, suchas the product hierarchy.

The following condition technique business configuration objects aredelivered and are available:

  • condition table: PRT,,PR SAP00004

  • access sequence: PRT PR,, 1HR2

  • condition type: PRT PR 1HR2

  • condition maintenance group: PRT_1HR1

  • This report works only for PRT application.

    This report can be executed as a stand alone report or in a ABAP unittest framework. The report has four test cases to check thefunctionalities of the function module /SAPCND/MNT_MAINTAIN_OW

    The output will be displayed in the standard ABAP unit test framework oras a standard stand alone report output.

    This test report has four test cases in it to check thefunctionalities of /SAPCND/MNT_MAINTAIN_OW in case of creating conditionrecords with free key part.
    Test Case 1: It is tested whether a condition record with free key partwith initial product and business partner can be created.
    Expected result: The condition record can be created.
    Test Case 2: It is tested whether a condition record with free key partwith initial product can be created.
    Expected result: The condition record can be created.
    Test Case 3: It is tested whether a condition record with free key partwith initial business partner can be created.
    Expected result: The condition record can be created.
    Test Case 4: It is tested whether a condition record can be created withnon existing product and business partner.
    Expected result: The condition record cannot be created.
    There is an additional test report to test the hierarchy accessfunctionality in pricing (PRC_HIERARCHY_ACCESS_TEST).