SAP Program PPSFCACT - Mass Processing for Orders

You can run this report online and in background processing; itexecutes the following functions for several process orders andproduction orders:

  • schedule

  • cost

  • create capacity requirements

  • WM material staging

  • complete technically

  • close

  • If you select Test run, the system tests the execution ofthe changes using mass processing and collects any errors that occur.No changes are written to the database.
    If you select Log, log records are generated and saved duringmass processing. The log records provide information about theexecution of the mass processing functions. If no log record isavailable, the function was executed without any problems. Thelog records are assigned to the order or the collective order.
    Enter your selection criteria and select the action to be carried out,for example, scheduling. Also, specify if you want to restrict thenumber of orders to be processed, if you want an extended logdisplay, and if you want to carry out a test run only.
    If you enter more than one work process - to improve performance - thesystem distributes the selected orders to the available applicationservers. On each of these, a partial quantity of orders are processedin parallel. If several actions are to be carried out, scheduling isalways carried out first (if selected).
    The enhancement PPCO0002(EXIT_SAPLCORE_003) allows you to check if complete technicallycan be executed. You can use its exceptionTECHNICALLY_CLOSE_NOT_ALLOWED to carry out more restrictive checks.


    You receive a comprehensive log, sorted by order number.