SAP Program PPPI_EBR_ARCHIVE - Archive Batch Records in the Background


  • The header records of the batch records have been generated.

  • All process orders belonging to the batch record have status
  • Technically completed or Completed.
    When you complete an order, the system does not check whether allprocess messages for the order have been sent successfully. To make surethat all messages are transferred to the batch record, check the messagestatus and message logs in the message monitor first.
    • All inspection lots belonging to the batch record have status Lot
    • locked for batch record.
      You set this status in the usage decision for an inspection lot afterinspection completion.


      The program selects all batch records that meet these requirements andmatch the selection variant you have defined.
      It creates the documents for the table of contents, version data,deviation list, and SAP objects for these batch records and transfersthem to an optical archive via SAP ArchiveLink.


      • The current version of the batch record is assigned status Archived

      • . It can now be approved.
        • All SAP objects belonging to the batch record are locked and can no
        • longer be changed.
          • The process orders and inspection lots belonging to the batch record are
          • assigned status Batch record archived. You can thus delete themfrom the SAP database in the next archiving run.

1016929COEBR: Abweichungsanalyse mit falschen Daten