SAP Program PPPICPPRL - Batch Record: Inspection Report

The program RQGAAM31 reads inspection lot information from the logicPGQ database and generates a printout of the inspection results for thelots.
The Q_INSP_RESULT SAPscript layout set in the standard system is usedfor this purpose.
You can find additional information about the form in the correspondingdocumentation.
Lots with different origins can be selected and combined as desired.
Program flow:
The form printout is started at the start of the program.
A complex data object G_LOS of the type T_LOS that is printed at thecall-up point GET QALS LATE, is filled for each lot. This structuredepends on the origin of the respective lot. Different segments in thecomplex object are filled for production lots than for goods receiptlots, for example.
The object is initialized again after a lot has been printed out.
The form printout for each lot is started and concluded by the functionmodule START_FORM and END_FORM respectively.
The form printout is concluded after all the lots have been printedout.
Output control options:
The selection screen contains the following options for controlling theoutput:

  • You can define whether inspection descriptions that have been
  • documented at results recording are to be printed.
    • You have an option on the selection screen for printing out long texts
    • for:
      Inspection characteristics
      Usage decisions
      Lots and partial lots
      • Defects in the corresponding lot, if any, can also be printed out.

      • You can also use the indicator partial lot view for production lots
      • to specify whether partial lots are to be inserted as an additionalhierarchy level for lots that are subjected to an inspection duringproduction (inspection lot origin '03').
        If you set this indicator, the following hierarchy is printed:
        Lot -> part. lot (n) -> operation (n) -> insp. pt. (n) -> char. (n)
        Otherwise, the following hierarchy structure is used (default):
        Lot -> operation (n) -> inspection point (n) -> characteristic (n)
        In this view, brief information on the partial lot assigned to theinspection point is displayed for each inspection point.
        In the partial lot view, it should be noted that the inspection pointis printed for the partial lot to which it was assigned during the lastoperation. In addition, only those inspection points that have beenprocessed in all operations are printed out.
        For this reason, it is only advisable to use the partial lot view whenprinting lots for which the usage decision has already been made.
        This indicator does not affect the representation of inspection lotsthat are not subjected to an inspection during production (lots that donot have origin '03').
        • You decide with the help of the single values/ classed values
        • indicator whether this information is to be printed, in addition to thesummarized information for those characteristics with original valuerecording or classed recording.
          • Similarly, you can activate the Samples indicator, if you want
          • to print sample data for the characteristics, for which independentmultiple samples are taken. If the single values/ classed valuesindicator is set, the single value and classed value data is printed inaddition to the summarized data for the samples.
            • In the standard system, to save space when printing, the data for empty
            • classes is not formatted. If you want this data to be printed as well,activate the Empty classes indicator.
              • You can select a different form instead of the Q_INSP_RESULT form used
              • in the standard system.
                In order to do so, you must create a new form, activate it and enter itin the selection screen.
                When creating the form, you should use the standard form as a copymodel. This is because the function module WRITE_FORM that prints outthe relevant text element is only called up by the program for the textelements used in the standard form.
                In order for other text elements to be printed out, the program must bemodified.
                • With the Print dialog indicator you define whether the print
                • dialog box is to be called up before the inspection results are printedout. You can use this dialog box to specify the print device, or toswitch to the print preview. If the indicator is not set, the systemtakes the print device, for example, from the user master and youcannot switch to the print preview. If no print device is stored in theuser master, the print dialog box is called up.