SAP Program /SPE/RET_WRONG_ASN_MONTR - List of Service Part Returns

The SPM returns deliveries can be displayed in the new Returns DeliveryMonitor.
The Returns Delivery Monitor can also be used for:

  • ,,Cancellation of Customer Confirmations (ASNs) received from the Dealer
  • Portal (ICH)
    • ,,Forcing the distribution of SPM Returns Deliveries to EWM

    • ,,Closing of SPM Returns Deliveries with expired RMAs.
    • Selection
      The selection screen provides several selection criteria to list theReturns Deliveries - especially the RMA number and the expiration dates.
      In the section "Selection Control Data" you have to choose if you wantto list:

      • ,,Customer Confirmations (ASNS) that can be cancelled

      • ,,SPM Returns Deliveries for forcing their distribution

      • ,,SPM Returns Deliveries for closing of expired RMAs

      • or
        • ,,All SPM Returns Deliveries.
        • Cancellation of Customer Confirmations (ASNs) received from DealerPortal (ICH)
          If a dealer has submitted a wrong ASN the process can be reversed bysubmitting a cancellation ASN from ERP to ICH using the Returns DeliveryMonitor.
          The cancellation can only be performed if the delivery is notdistributed to EWM and the cancellation can only be done for thecomplete ASN.
          When the cancellation is done the cancelled returns delivery ASN ismarked with the returns ASN cancellation flag.
          In the corresponding original delivery items the final RMA flag and thequantities are updated according to quantity data in cancelled ASNs.
          The information about the ASN cancellation is sent to ICH with an IDOCbased on standard IDoc DELVRY05.
          An ASN is only shown in the list for cancellation if

          • ,,The ASN is not distributed to EWM

          • ,,All RMAs of this ASN are not yet completed (to be checked in the
          • original delivery)
            • ,,The external expiration date of all RMAs are not expired

            • ,,
              The SPM Returns Deliveries can be selected from the header view list andthe cancellation can be performed using the button "Cancel ASNs" (F7).The cancellation must be confirmed with a pop-up.
              If the update of the original deliveries fails during the cancellationof the ASN this process step might be compensated using transaction/SPE/ASN02.
              For SPM Returns Deliveries the distribution to EWM is controlled by thestatus indicator "Delivery Confirmation Status" .
              The SPM Returns Delivery is not distributed as long as one of the statusindicator is equal to 'A' ("Confirmation Expected").
              The Delivery Error Monitor can force the distribution of a SPM ReturnsDelivery by changing this status indicator so the delivery can bedistributed immediately. This is used especially for error correction ifinformation was sent to ICH portal but the portal will never send aconfirmation.
              An SPM Returns Delivery is only shown in the list for distribution if
              • ,,The SPM Returns Delivery is not distributed to EWM but relevant for
              • distribution
                • ,, "Delivery Confirmation Status" is equal 'A (Confirmation expected
                • from Dealer Portal) or the "Shipment Information Status" is equal 'A'(Shipment Information expected from Carrier Portal)
                  The SPM Returns Deliveries can be selected from the header view list andthe distribution can be performed using the button "Distribute to EWM"(F8). The distribution must be confirmed with a pop-up.
                  If the external expiration date of an RMA is reached the RMA cannot beprocessed on the dealer portal (ICH) any longer.
                  If the RMA was not completed from the dealer a closing of the returnsdelivery can be performed in ERP to inform CRM about the completionusing the SPM Returns Delivery Monitor as long as the returns deliveryis not distributed to EWM.
                  Also a special exception code regarding the closing from ERP system isused.
                  A Returns Delivery is only shown in the list for closing if
                  • ,,The SPM Returns Delivery is not distributed to EWM

                  • ,,The SPM Returns Delivery is an original delivery and at least one RMA
                  • is not closed
                    The SPM Returns Deliveries can be selected from the header view or theitem view of the list and the distribution can be performed using thebutton "Close Service Part Returns" (CTRL+F1).
                    The closing must be confirmed with a pop-up. If an RMA that is not yetexpired is selected for closing an additional pop-up will inform aboutthat RMA and has to be confirmed. These RMAs have to be closed in theDealer Portal manually.
                    The closing can also be performed in background mode using button"Closing in the Background" (F9) on the selection screen. In backgroundmode only RMAs with expiration date in the past are closed.
                    The new customizing table /SPE/RET_EXC_COD is used to maintain theexception code for closing of Returns Deliveries. There you can maintainthe exception code for "Messages from SAP ICH Dealer Portal" and anotherfor "Messages from Carrier Portal".