SAP Program /SPE/RESEND_TEMPDLV - Resend Temporary Deliveries to WME

If the inbound deliveries are to be processed by EWM, a new inbounddelivery is created when any changes or deletions are made with respectto the inbound deliveries. The new inbound delivery is called atemporary inbound delivery (temp ID) and a request for acknowledgementof these changes is sent to EWM. When EWM sends back a positive ornegative acknowledgement to ERP of the changes to, or deletion of, theinbound delivery, the tempID is deleted and the original inbounddelivery is updated based on the change request, or it is deleted.
For various reasons, EWM may not respond to the requests for processinginbound deliveries sent by the ERP system. This report is used to resendthe temporary deliveries to the EWM system.

You have made Customizing settings to define which temporary deliveriesare affected - see example.

You can select the deliveries to be resent based on the followingselection criteria:

  • Delivery

  • Created on (date)
  • Example
    If you make the appropriate Customizing settings to define the dateinterval as two months, this report resends all the temporary inbounddeliveries that have a creation date more than two months earlier to thecurrent date.