SAP Program /SPE/INB_RM06EANL - Generation of Inbound Deliveries

This report offers you the option of creating inbound deliveries basedon the open, scheduled delivery items of the purchase orders (PO) or thescheduling agreements (SA).

The user can enter the following criteria to determine which itemsshould be processed:

  • Vendor: vendor on PO / SA header level

  • Plant: plant on PO/SA item level

  • Storage location: storage location on PO item level

  • Warehouse number: warehouse number on PO/ SA item level

  • Document number: PO/ SA number

  • Item number: PO item / SA item

  • Delivery date: delivery date

  • Test run: the user can run the transaction in test mode by setting the'Test Run' indicator. If the user sets this indicator, the creation ofthe inbound delivery and dispatching are simulated without actuallysaving and dispatching the inbound delivery.

    The report searches the delivery schedules of purchase order items orschedule lines of scheduling agreements for which the confirmationcontrol keys with automatic inbound delivery creation indicator is set.
    If the delivery date of the delivery schedules of the purchase orderitems or the schedule lines of the scheduling agreements are older thanor equal to the delivery date entered by the user, a new inbounddelivery is created for each purchase order and scheduling agreement.
    The inbound delivery is validated by a validation framework. If thecreation of the inbound delivery is successful, the inbound delivery isdispatched to external systems according to the Customizing settingsthat have been made for dispatching and filtering.