SAP Program /SPE/INB_EGR_CREATE - Maintenance of Expected Goods Receipts

,,These documents are provided to enable EWM a view on expected goodsreceipt. These expected goods receipt documents are derived frompurchasing and production order documents and will be distinguished fromASN based documents.

,,Goods receipt processing in EWM is based on inbound delivery documentsprovided by ERP. These inbound deliveries usually represent the ASNsprovided by the supplier to announce that a goods issue is performed athis warehouse. Hence the goods are on the way to the receivingwarehouse.
,,The expected goods receipt documents enable EWM to get a view onfuture goods receipt especially without having ASN documents.

The prerequisite of the processing is to have open purchasing andproduction order documents.


Create Expected Goods Receipts
Documents can be generated and distributed to EWM with respect to aspecific warehouse and restrictions regarding timeframes, purchasingdocument and production order criterias.
Update Expected Goods Receipts
EWM deletes the existing expected goods receipts documents according tothe selection criteria and new expected goods receipt documentsaccording to the same selection criteria are created and distributed toEWM.
Delete Expected Goods Receipts
EWM deletes the existing expected goods receipts documents according tothe selection criteria .
The user can enter the following criteria to determine for whichpurchasing or production documents expected goods receipts shall bedistributed to EWM:
",,Warehouse number: warehouse number on PO/ SA item level
",,Deletion of expected goods receipt in EWM
",,Delivery Date Time Range for PO / SA respectively Scheduled FinishDate Time Range for Production Orders
",,Vendor: vendor on PO / SA header level
",,Purchasing documents type
",,Confirmation control
",,Document number: PO/ SA number
",,Plant: plant on PO/SA item level
",,Flag to activate the PO/SA selction
",,Production Order type
",,Production Order
",,Flag to activate the production order selection
Test mode
In test mode each of the options just issues a log of what would happenwithout actually creating/dispatching or deleting any documents.

If the creation of the expected goods receipt documents with respect tothe selection criteria's is is successful, the documents are dispatchedto external systems according to the Customizing settings that have beenmade for ASN dispatching