SAP Program PPC_CONF_ARCH_DSP - Read and Display Archived Data Sequentially

Display Program for Archiving Object PP_CONF

You use this program to display data that is stored in one or morearchive files.

This display program works for archive files that have been created bythe write program (PPC_CONF_ARCH_WRI) of archiving object PP_CONF.

Before you can use this program to display the contents of archivefiles
, archive files must have been created. To do this, use the archivingprogram of archiving object PP_CONF.


There are no selection options in the display program. The systemdisplays all backflushes that are stored in the archive files selected.

Use the display program by accessing transaction SARA. If archive fileshave been created already, the system displays these on the screen thatappears. Select one or more archive files and confirm the selection.The system then displays a list containing the backflushes from thearchive files selected.
A series of functions are available for you to use here, such as thesorting, filtering and exporting of data.