SAP Program POWL_D08 - Delete Admin Layouts

You can use this report to delete layouts delivered by SAP<(>,<)> orcreated by a system administrator (from the POWL_QUERY transaction). Theoutput of this report is a transportable workbench request. This reportis mandatorily executed in the development client only.
Ideally, admin layouts (variants) are created on a per query basis anddelivered. If at a later point, an administrator would like to make aparticular layout unavailable for users, the layouts are deleted byusing this report.

You enter the application ID and the report retrieves all the queriesmapped to this application ID for which layout variants were created bythe administrator.

The output of this report gives the following options:

  • ,,Display list of queries with Query ID, POWL Type, GUID, and Layout
  • Variant Description
    • ,,Deletion of one or more layout variants