SAP Program POWL_D02 - Show POWL design information

This report shows the structure of POWL applications - the assigned POWLtypes, admin queries and feeder classes. It can be useful in followingcases:

  • Checking if the structure was defined properly, i.e. if the correct POWL
  • types or admin queries were assigned
    • Search for the feeder classes related to a particular POWL

    • Thus the report is intended mainly for POWL developers andadministrators.

      You can select the desired POWL applications two ways:

      • via roles: you specify a role selection and the program shows all POWL
      • applications assigned to the PFCG-roles that fit to the role selection
        • via application ID: you specify a selection of application IDs and the
        • program shows all POWL applications that match this selection, assumedthe application IDs have been registered in the personalizationframework (transaction FPB_MAINTAIN_HIER)
          You can also decide if you want to see the descriptions of the displayedobjects (roles, POWL applications, types, queries) or not.

          You can see blocks per POWL application ID. If selection based on roleswas made, you can also see the role names and the names of the roleentries referring to the POWLs.
          Each application ID is followed by POWL types assigned to thatapplication ID with the corresponding feeder class. Below each POWL typeall admin queries of that type are listed.
          Furthermore you can see admin queries that are assigned to the currentapplication ID but the type of which is not assigned to that applicationID. Below each query the type of the query and the corresponding feederclass are mentioned.
          The report provides also some additional information:

          • the application ID is registered in the personalization framework
          • (transaction FPB_MAINTAIN_HIER)
            • a referenced POWL type or query doesn't exist in the check table

            • both the query and the type are assigned to the application ID

            • a query is activated

            • a query is visible

            • If you switch on the descriptions then you can see the descriptions inthe logon language (if existing) directly below the corresponding key.