SAP Program PFO_SEG - Program PFO_SEG

Create, display, change, and delete (in terms of period management)segments.

The processing of segments is part of portfolio assignment andreassignment. This is also the case for the processing of relationshipsbetween segments and business objects or assignment objects (see there).

No prerequisites must be fulfilled.

You can use the PFO_SEG transaction to create segments, selectand display existing segments, change these segments, and delete them(in terms of period management). Appropriate functions for these actionsare available in three modes: Display, change, and new
You cannot edit fields in the display mode. When creating and changingassignments, technical fields (usually set by the system) are not readyfor input. Before making a change, you must select the segments to bechanged.
You can use the appropriate standard functions of the ALV grid controlto structure and maintain your own layouts for the display andprocessing.
If errors occurred during processing, you can read these in the log. Youcan also see the results of the processing there.
If a certain attribute value is to be changed in multiple segments, youcan use the mass change function. You first select the correspondingsegments, and then the column to be changed. You can then enter the newvalue in the dialog box, which is displayed when you use the MassChanges pushbutton. Finally, save the result.

You can choose the individual options for selecting segments. Bydefault, the attributes from the communication structure for the segmentare provided as selection options. From these, you can choose theconditions necessary for the selection.
If other attributes are to be used for the selection, then you mustdefine a corresponding DDIC structure in Customizing. You can then usethe same method to select the selection attributes. You can use a BAdImethod to execute the selection.

No standard variants are provided.

The result of the selection is displayed in an ALV grid control. If youare working in change mode, you can overwrite the editable fields, andcan save the result in the database. You can also save newly createdsegments in the database.

Call the PFO_SEG transaction to use the aforementioned functions.