SAP Program PFO_CLEANUP - Cleanup of Customizing and Master Data, NOT in Productive System

Delete or summarize Customizing data and master data for portfolioassignment in development or test systems.

You can delete completely, or summarize Customizing for a customer.
During a complete deletion, all Customizing entries in the customernamespace are deleted.
If selected, all master data is also deleted. This is because deletingor summarizing Customizing could potentially lead to this data beinginconsistent. Master data is always deleted, rather than beingsummarized.
Proceed as follows when summarizing Customizing data:
- Completely delete entries with the FLG_CANCEL_OBJ indicator
- Delete versions with the FLG_CANCEL_VERS indicator. Active versionsare renumbered, starting from one. The technical start date for allthese versions is set to 01/01/1900.
Select the "Generate Transport Request" checkbox to place allCustomizing tables in a transport request.