This report is an example to show, how the delete functionality ofdocument flow data can be triggered in an application's own archivedelete report. For the archive delete run the archiving class /SCMB/DFwill be triggered automatically by ADK for all such archivesessions/files, where during the writerun any data has been written into the archive file via the sameArchiving Class.
The report first reads the data records belonging to document flow fromthe archive file, then triggers the archiving class /SCMB/DF to deletethese records from the relevant tables.
This report serves exclusively example/testing purposes, to enableapplication developers to test and check, how the relevant functions ofthe archiving class /SCMB/DF are triggered!

This report is referenced in the archive object /SCMB/DF (you can checkin transaction AOBJ).
There are three related reports assigned to the same archive object inthe package /SCMB/FLOW_NET as examples for the other archivingfunctionalities:
The /SCMB/DF_ARCHIVE_WRITEwrites into the archive file from the database.
The /SCMB/DF_ARCHIVE_READ reportreads the document flow entries from an archive session/file.
The /SCMB/DF_ARCHIVE_RELOADloads the content of the archive file into the database.

You have maintained the Customizing settings for
archive object /SCMB/DF and for
archiving class /SCMB/DF.

The report can be started in 2 modes:
Test mode: the document flow data subject for deletion is only countedand reported to the user.
Productive mode: the document flow data subject for deletion is deletedfrom the document flow tables. Consequently also the link and linkattribute data is deleted from the respective database tables by theSOBL archiving class.

Result of deletion from database is displayed.

1326859Document Flow Archiving Examples