SAP Program /SAPTRX/VIEW_EHS - Check in Shipments

This report is implemented in many different places and serves mainlyfor the selection of transports and their depiction as a list. Thislist is built using the general list viewer ALV. Thereport is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Send selection screen

  • Selection of transports

  • List depiction of selected transports

  • Interactive reporting: Branch to documents, set status
  • 'Registered'/'Dispatched' direct from the list, and much more...
    The report is called up in the following environment:
    • Scheduling list :VT11

    • Dispatch list :VT12

    • Registration list :VT16

    • Input help for transport number: Self-programmed input help that allows
    • the selection of several transports (only one is allowed in thestandard).
      • Collective processing shipment costs (worklist) VI04:
      • Transports can be selected here and can be used to generate shipmentcost documents.
        The individual variants differ in the selection criteria, the fieldsthat are shown in the list, and the functions that are offered to theuser in the list.
        Technically, the individual call variants are separated using the'mode' parameter: The report is never started directly - rather, it iscalled from another program and given to the report of the executionmode.
        • In cases VT11, VT12 and VT16 this happens with the following call
        • cascade: VT11/12/16 (parameter transaction) calls VT10 (reporttransaction) and gives the mode, VT10 starts a start report (the onethat takes over the selection variant management and then starts thereport with a variant if necessary) and this makes a submit on thisreport: The mode is a selection parameter of the report that has beenset to not visible.
          • For input help: The function module sd_f4_extended does not call the
          • entire report RV56TRSL - it only calls the two central form routinesshipments_read and shipment_display and gives the mode. This differingprocedure is needed to prevent a new role area being opened: For inputhelp, the selection screen should be shown as a dialog box. If thereport were now started using submit and its selection screen shown asa dialog box, then the main screen (the one from which input help wasstarted) becomes gray (all fields that were previously displayeddisappear) because a new roll area is opened up by the dialog box. Onthe other hand, when a function module is called, no new roll area isopened and the main screen remains - the user does not lose thecontext.
            At the relevant places within the report the parameter mode is queriedand the program flow is split (selection screen is built, field catalogfor the list is built...).
            The central form routines are:
            • Shipments_read: Reads the selected transports in the selection screen.
            • This form routine is fully parameterized, since it is also called sidethe report (see above).
              • Shipment_display: Shows the transports in the transport list.

              • User_command: Return routine for ALV in which the user commands are
              • processed.