SAP Program MMXPRA24 - Aktualisieren Materialstamm-Steuerungstabellen Bildfolge/Eigenschaften

This conversion program copies the entries in table T130M from client000 to all other clients. Entries that exist in other clients, but notin client 000, are not deleted. This does not include field FLREF whichyou can maintain using transaction OMSR.
In Release 4.6B, the delivery class of table T130M has been changedfrom S (system table, maintenance only by SAP, change = modification)to G (Customizing table, protected against SAP UPD, only INS allowed).This makes sure that modifications made by SAP to the table contentstake effect when your system is upgraded to Release 4.6B.

The log contains an entry for the start and end of updating.
Errors can occur in the following cases:

  • If table T000 (table of clients) is blank or cannot be accessed
  • (practically impossible)
    In this case, contact SAP because there is a serious system error.
    • If there are no entries in table T130M for client 000 (unlikely)

    • In this case, contact SAP to obtain the corresponding entries.
      • If the write access (update or insert) to table T130M has failed

      • In this case, table T130M has not been updated correctly.
        If these errors occur, they are logged. After you have removed theircause, restart the conversion program.