Automatic Conversion of Customizing Settings for the Material NumberOutput Length

This report program calls several programs that adjust the outputlength of the material number in various Customizing tables.

The material number is set to the old length of 18 in Customizing andlayout tables. Otherwise, it is not converted.

Report Programs Called

MGV_MATNR_AIS (order information system)
Conversion of Object Columns in Detail Lists in the Order Info System
Conversion of table TCOAD
The table names that need to be converted are read from DD03L. Only thedomains with MATNR are read. The program reads the WRT_OBJ column intable TCOAD and converts it from 18 to 35 characters. This adjusts theobject columns in detail lists in the order info system to the correctlength for the material number.
Conversion of table TCOPS
The table names and field names required are read from DD03L. Therelevant lines in table TCOPS are selected and converted. This adjuststhe field columns in detail lists in the order info system to thecorrect width.
You can run this report program any number of times. It only does theconversion once. The conversion is client-specific.

Manual settings:

  • Transaction SM31, enter table TCOAD, then choose Customizing and select
  • the following tables:
    IOITEM, IOITEM, IOMAMO, IOPCOMP, IOGOMO, IOGMER, IOOPPREQ, andIOOPPORD. Define the field length for MATNR accordingly.
    • Transaction SM31, enter table TCOPS then choose Customizing.
    • MGV_MATNR_LTDX (Default Variants for ALV)
      The program performs the following steps:
      It determines all (ALV) list tool variants in the current client. Itsearches their field catalogs for fields with output length 18.
      If the field names of these fields can be combined with the domains ofthe material number, the output length is adjusted to the new materialnumber length.
      The program can be started any number of times.

      MGV_MATNR_TCOFF (Missing Parts Information System)
      Adjusts the profiles in the PP-SFC Missing Parts Information System.
      The program changes the output length for the material number. TableTCOFF and dependent report programs such as PPCMP000 are affected.
      You can run this program any number of times.
      You can use transaction COMP to adjust settings for MATNR inCustomizing, by changing the fields displayed for profile 2.

      Correction of Offset in Table TCUL for the Extended MATNR
      Table TCUL contains layout information on output fields used in screenlists. These lists may have several lines, and the line, column, andoffset determine where the field is shown. Function groups such as CUKOare affected.
      In case of update errors, it is not known which lines were not changed.These appear when you restart the report program.

      Conversion of Output Lengths in Table TCYF
      Table TCYF contains ouptut lengths of fields that are output fordisplay profiles. The output lengths for the material number areconverted. This applies to transactions such as CM02.
      If update fails it is impossible to know which lines were not changed.These appear by when you restart the XPRA.
      To define settings manually, use transaction SM31, enter table TCYF,then choose Customizing.

      This report program converts characteristic columns . You need to dothis if the MATNR output is longer than 18 characters. The reportprogram is client-dependent. Any settings that exists for individualusers are not converted. The conversion only takes place if the currentMATNR is longer than 18 characters. The update checks MMSPB for18-character elements and only changes these. The length of the currentMATNR is read from table MARA.
      To set manually, use transaction SM31, enter TMCUS and chooseCustomizing.

      MGV_T180 (SD Reports TechniqueT180xx)
      Conversion of Reporting Display Variants to a 35-Character MaterialNumber
      The report program uses table T180S to determine the fields to beconverted. These are fields with the name MATNR and the standard lengthof 18 characters. All columns and column headings for these variantsare determined. The headings are in table T180U. Conversion is possibleif the material number only occurs once in the columns (as intended),and the total output width is not more than 132.
      Display routines are generated by report program MGV_T180_FUNC usingfunction module SD_GENERATE_LIST_CODING.
      Headings may be destroyed if, for example, column headings have beendeleted manually in Customizing, or the standard functions cannotresolve inconsistencies after manual changes in Customizing and theheading has been destroyed. In this case, the headings must beregenerated (see "Notes").
      The conversion is client-specific. Original versions can be recopiedfrom client 000 at any time.
      Manual settings
      Start transaction SM31 with table T180U and determine Customizingdisplay variant.
      Generate headings
      Delete a field from the variant and save the settings. Then insert thefield again and save again. This regenerates the headings.
      Components affected
      MM-PUR: Purchasing Information System (ME80) Customizing: OMRE
      MM-PUR-AL: Allocation
      MM-IV: Invoice Verification
      SD-BIL: Billing
      SD-BF-CM: Credit Management
      FI-AA-AA-TR-SL: Line Item Settlement for AUC
      SD-SHP: Shipping
      SD-CAS-SP: Sales Promotions
      SD-IS-REP: Reporting

      MGV_MATNR_TCND (Projektinformationssystem)
      Conversion of Characteristics Columns in the Project Information System
      This report program converts tables TCND and TCNF:
      This affects the Project Information System. Table TCND containscharacteristic objects, tables of origin, and the output width. Theoutput width is converted if it is 18 and if a field defined by adomain that refers to the material number exists in the table oforigin.
      Table TCNF contains field names, the table of origin, and the outputwidth. The program determines which fields in this table refer to thechanged domains. These fields are then converted to the new materialnumber length.
      You can run this program any number of times. If the material numberhas not been lengthened, the program terminates without converting it.
      To make manual settings, use transaction SM31 and enter table TCND (orTCNF) then choose Customizing.

      MGV_MATNR_CLVL (Variable Lists)