SAP Program MGVERSXPRA1 - XPRA for filling table MATERIALID

This XPRA creates the entries for the new table MATERIALID (materialidentification) from the table MARA (general material data).
For each entry in the table MARA a corresponding entry is generated inthe table MATERIALID. The fields for the table MATERIALID are filled asfollows:

  • MATNR_INT (Material number):

  • Filled with the contents of the MARA fields MATNR.
    • MATNR_EXT (External long material number):

    • Filled with the contents of the MARA field MATNR. For lexical materialnumbers spaces are filled with zeros.
      • MATNR_VERS (Material version number):

      • No data
        • MATNR_GUID (internal GUID):

        • Filled with a newly generated GUID.
          • MATNR_TYPE (Type of material number):

          • Filled with the entry 0.
            • MATNR_HEAD (Header material for version):

            • No data
              Additional information about filling
              • The reading of data from the table MARA and the filling of the table
              • MATERIALID is carried out in blocks of 1000 data records.
                • If the MPN-Material number conversion is active in a client then the
                • material number is created from the vendor and manufacturer part numberaccording to the rules of the MPN number conversion and the resultentered in the field MTERIALID-MATNR_EXT.

                  When carrying out the XPRAs the start and finish of the process islogged. Log entries are made in the following situations:

                  • No data records or not all data records could be created for a client.

                  • The MPN material number conversion is active in a client

                  • When carrying out the XPRAS the following errors or messages couldoccur that are marked as such in the log:
                    • Table T000 (clients) contains no entries (practically impossible). In
                    • this case there is a serious system error. Carry out the customizingfor the necessary client and restart the XPRA.
                      • Table TMCNV contains no entries for a client. This can be the case if
                      • the customizing for the material number display has not been maintainedin the relevant client. This is therefore not an error. In this casethere is simply no material available in this client. However,available MARA entries (practically impossible) cannot be interpretedand can therefore not be used. Consequently the table MATERIALID is notupdated.
                        • It is not possible to open the database cursor for reading client data
                        • from the table MARA (highly unlikely). This means that no data can beread for the client that you want to access. Contact SAP and restartafter correcting the XPRA error.
                          • The update of the table MATERIALID causes error for one or more blocks.
                          • The number of blocks is indicated in the log. Contact SAP and restartafter the cause of the XPRA has been eliminated.