SAP Program MF01AKRP - Planned Vendor Master Record Changes

Report MF01AKRP is used in conjunction with transaction MK14 to listall planned changes to be made for a vendor. The system determines allplanned changes that have not yet been activated for thevendor entered. Planned changes are divided up into deletions, newmaster records and changes and listed in three separate sections.

  • Vendor: Number of the vendor for which planned changes are to be
  • listed
    • Purchasing organization: Number of a purchasing organization

    • Vendor sub-range (VSR): Number of a VSR

    • Plant: Plant number

    • From change date: Date as of which changes are to be considered.
    • If you leave this field empty, all planned and not yet activated changeswill be listed by the system.
      • Changed by: Name of a user; only those planned changes that are not yet
      • activated and which were created by the user entered are listed.If you leave this field empty, all planned and not yet activated changeswill be listed by the system.
        The purchasing organization, VSR and plant entries control which data isoutput by the system. If you leave these fields empty, the system onlylists planned changes that have not yet been activated involvinggeneral vendor data (such as the name or address). Planned and not yetactivated changes to tables are also listed that are on the leveldirectly below the vendor (such as the region of supply or the VSR).
        If you enter a purchasing organization, planned changed that have notyet been activated are also listed for the purchasing organization. Noplanned and not yet activated changes are listed whose data retentionlevel is below the purchasing organization. To obtain information onthese changes, you must also enter a vendor sub-range and/orplant..