SAP Program /SAPPCE/DPC_CHANGE_TAXCODE1 - Down Payment Chains - Tax Rate Change for Germany

As of January 1, 2007, the standard tax rate in Germany will beincreased (SAP Note 976257). This report is part of the conversion ofdown payment chains that are not finally settled.
You create new tax codes to map the new tax rate (SAP Note 117983). Thetax codes with the old standard tax rate are not changed to ensure thecorrect continuation of transactions with the old standard tax rate.Transactions with the old standard tax rate affect down payment chainsthat were settled before December 31, 2006:

  • Incoming or outgoing payments or clearings

  • Creation of adjustments.

  • The procedure for converting down payment chains that are not finallysettled from the old tax rate to the new tax rate comprises thefollowing steps:
    Execute this report to convert the tax code in the contract of the downpayment chain and, if necessary, create transactions for the tax ratechange. The relevant transactions for the subsequent taxation and theopen items with old tax codes and partial payments for transactions withold tax codes are blocked for payment.
    Payments or clearings of the open items with new tax codes are stillcreated using the transaction in accounting. New transactions such aspartial invoices or final settlement can be created as usual using theprocessing transaction for the down payment chains.
    The report for deleting the payment block for the open items of thesubsequent taxation, partial payments for transactions with old taxcodes, and open items with old tax codes must be executed at period-endclosing at the latest. The report checks whether the criteria for thesubsequent taxation for the respective down payment chain are fulfilled,and removes the payment block from the relevant accounting documents ifnecessary.
    The accounting documents for the subsequent taxation can be paid orcleared using the usual transactions in accounting.
    If a down payment chain in the contract contains the tax code with theold standard tax rate, but there are no transactions posted yet, thereport enters the tax code with the new standard tax rate instead of thetax code with the old standard tax rate into the contract. All othersteps listed above under 1 to 4 are not required.
    The report supports the following tax codes:
    • Tax codes without tax jurisdiction

    • Tax codes with reverse charge

    • Deferred tax codes (credit-side)

    • Deferred tax codes with reverse charge (credit-side).

    • The following rules still apply when you change the tax code:
      You cannot change from a non-deferred tax code to a deferred tax code ifthe cumulated values of a down payment chain are not zero (see SAP Note788020).
      You cannot change from a deferred tax code without reverse charge to adeferred tax code with reverse charge if the cumulated values of a downpayment chain are not zero (see SAP Note 793942).

      You have created new tax codes that contain the new tax rate.

      For debit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX01_DDeb. DP Chains - Tax Rate Change.
      For credit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX01_KCred. DP Chains - Tax Rate Change.
      This report carries out the following steps:

      • It checks if the change from the specified old tax code to the specified
      • new tax code is allowed.
        • It checks if the down payment chain is not finally settled.

        • It checks if the specified posting date is after the posting date of the
        • last posted partial invoice or advance payment of the down paymentchain.
          • In the contract of the down payment chain, the new tax code is replaced
          • by the old tax code. The report updates the change history in thecontract of the down payment chain when the change is executed.
            • It creates transactions for the tax rate change.

            • Using a credit memo with old tax codes, the report writes off allpreviously posted values such as invoiced amount, security retentionamount, special retention amount, and incidental costs. The userspecifies the posting date of the credit memo on the selection screen.The report also blocks the credit memo for payment, since the subsequenttaxation is not triggered until later. The user enters the value of thepayment block on the selection screen. The name of the new transactionthat is created is: TC Credit Memo.
              If old transactions are not completely cleared, the report creates anopen item for each transaction in a separate transaction with the newtax code for the open amount. Security retention amounts, specialretention amounts, and incidental costs are included when the new openitem is created, as a percentage of the amount already paid. Thefollowing information is copied from the old open item to the new openitem:
              ,,,,Due date
              ,,,,Terms of payment
              ,,,,Payment method
              ,,,,Payment block
              ,,,,The name of the transaction created consists of TC from OI (TaxChange from Open Items) and the first 25 characters of the name of theold transaction.
              Transaction with new tax code whose amount corresponds to the receivedpayment including cash discount for the down payment chain. Securityretention amounts, special retention amounts, and incidental costs areincluded as a percentage of the paid amount. The user enters the postingdate of the accounting document on the selection screen. The accountingdocument is blocked for payment, since the subsequent taxation is nottriggered until later. The user enters the value of the payment block onthe selection screen. The name of the new transaction that is createdis: TC Previous Payments.
              • It sets the payment block in accounting documents of the open items with
              • old tax codes.
                • It sets the payment block in partial payments for transactions with the
                • old tax code.
                  You can use a second report to delete the set payment blocks for thesubsequent taxation transactions, open items with old tax codes, andpartial payments for transactions with the old tax code.
                  • For debit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_D
                  • Deb. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block.
                    • For credit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_K
                    • Cred. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block.
                      For detailed information about the second report, see the relevantreport documentation.

                      From the selection screen, you can select down payment chains based ondifferent criteria.
                      The selection criteria are:

                      • Company code

                      • Down payment chain number

                      • Customer or vendor

                      • Old tax code

                      • The following data must also be specified to run the report:
                        • New tax code

                        • Posting date for which the tax rate change documents should be created

                        • Payment block that should be set for the open items of the subsequent
                        • taxation
                          The Test Run indicator is used to execute the program in test mode, thatis, the transactions that are created for the tax rate change.
                          You can enter frequently used criteria for the selection of down paymentchains on the selection screen and save them in a selection variant.Once you have made your selection, you see the list of transactions thatare created for the tax rate change. Transactions for subsequenttaxation are blocked for payment.

                          The application toolbar provides a number of standard functions such asDetails, Sort, Set and Delete Filter, Export, and various functions fordisplay variants.
                          If only the tax code in the contract of a down payment chain has beenchanged and no new transactions have been created, there is an entry inthe output list with transaction fields that do not contain any entries.
                          Due to the different amounts of the invoiced amount, security retentionamount, special retention amount and incidental costs, and the accountassignment of previously posted transactions and the new transactionsthat have been created, there can be rounding differences in centamounts. This is due to the fact that each accounting document isconsistent in itself, but for calculating the tax from the gross amount,it is important in how many subtransactions the posted transactions havebeen posted.