Purpose The program creates entries for the table J_7LM09, which represent therecycling partner-dependent assignment between article and packaging.Depending on the master data setup, this table was not always filled.Instead the data from the recycling partner-to-packaging assignment wasused. The program creates the entries as a mass change, which are otherwisecreated individually in the article dialog. Prerequisites You have authorization for the authorization objectJ_7L_INFC>.Selection The Recycling Partner> field specifies the recycling partner forwhich the changes are to be made. The Re.Partner Country> field specifies for which country thechanges are to be made. The Material>, Company Code>, and Sales Unit> fieldsallow you to restrict the REA article master data processed. Log Detail> 1 displays a summary only. A log level greater than 1displays the various processing steps as well. IF &[SWITCH]J_7L_SFWS_UI_SUSTAINABILITY& = 'X'. The Trigger Workflow Event> indicator is only visible ifREA Customizing> has been set up accordingly. If theindicator is set, a workflow event for the business object REA_ARTICLEis triggered following each change. ENDIF.Output The result is displayed as a transient SAP application log in a modaldialog box. |