SAP Program J_7L_ART_DELETE - Delete REA Article

Article: Delete articles

This program allows the mass maintenance of articles to be deleted.

You have authorization for authorization objectJ_7L_INFC.

You use this program to physically delete multiple articles from thedatabase or mark them for deletion by setting a deletion indicator(logical deletion).

You can select articles using the article number, company code, country,sales unit, or validity period. In the deletion options screen area, youcan choose to delete articles physically by selecting DeleteSelection or logically by selecting Set Deletion Indicator.Only articles with a set deletion indicator can be deleted from thedatabase. The update options enable you to simulate an update forlogical deletion only (deletion indicator) by setting the TestRun indicator, and if you choose Update Conditions, thedependent SD and MM conditions are recalculated. Physical deletioncannot be simulated but must still be confirmed by a prompt.
The Trigger Workflow Event indicator is only visible ifREA Customizing has been set up accordingly. If theindicator is set, a workflow event for the business object REA_ARTICLEis triggered following each change.

The result is displayed as a transient SAP application log in a modaldialog box.