SAP Program J_7LCHKS - Consistency Check and Cleanse at System Level (DB)

Check REA Master Data at System Level (Database Consistency)

You have authorization for the authorization object J_7L_INFC. Use thisprogram only when you have informed yourself in detail about how itfunctions.

The following checks are currently implemented:


Article in General

  • Does at least one nondeleted M02 and M03 record exist for an M01 record?

  • Does the superordinate M01 record and at least one nondeleted M03 record
  • exist for an M02 record?
    • Do the superordinate M01 and M02 records exist for an M03 record?
    • Recycling Partner Assignment

      • Are the M05 records free from overlaps and do records with the same
      • period end also have the same period start?
        • Are the M10 records free from overlaps and do records with the same
        • period end also have the same period start?
          • Does each M10 record have a superordinate M05 record?
          • Packaging Assignment

            • Are the M04 records free from overlaps and do records with the same
            • period end also have the same period start?
              • Are the M09 records free from overlaps and do records with the same
              • period end also have the same period start?
                • Does each M09 record have a superordinate M04 record?
                • Packaging

                  Packaging in General

                  • -
                  • Fraction Assignment

                    • Are the V02 records free from overlaps and do records with the same
                    • period end also have the same period start?
                      • Are the V08 records free from overlaps and do records with the same
                      • period end also have the same period start?
                        • Does each V08 record have a superordinate V02 record?
                        • Recycling Partner Assignment

                          • Are the V03 records free from overlaps and do records with the same
                          • period end also have the same period start?
                            The result is displayed as an ALV grid. Using multiple selection, rowscan be selected and logically deleted using the pushbutton @11@. If thedeletion was successful, an X is displayed in the Deletion Indicator
                            column. In the database, the fields for last changed by/date ofchange/time of change are written. Change documents are not created.
                            NO CHANGES CAN BE REVERSED.