SAP Program J_3RFKORKO_PDF - Print programm for incoming and outgoing cash orders

Receipts for cash payments are printed by means of the J_3RFKORKO printprogram using the standard correspondence mechanism. At this, one ofthe following forms is used:

  • J_3RFCASHOR (Russia)

  • J_4KFCASHOR (Kazakhstan)

  • J_1UFCASHOR (Ukraine)

  • If required, forms provided in the standard configuration can be copiedand adjusted to specific customer needs.
    The program automatically retrieves information from thecustomer/vendor master record, document and HR data (if applicable).Standard and parked documents are processed.
    To output personal data in cash documents when HR module is used,remove the (*) sign in the following line items:
    Declaration: table pa0002,
    table pa0290
    FORM's text: read_passportdata,


    Defining document types
    To ensure correct numeration of cash receipts and cash payments, definetwo document types.
    Menu path: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG): FinancialAccounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Document ->Document Header -> Define Document Types

    Customizing the correspondence
    Make correspondence settings for the program and used forms. Assignmentcan be performed for a separate company code or for all of them if nocompany code is specified.
    Menu path: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG): FinancialAccounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Correspondence

    Example of customizing the correspondence
    1. Correspondence type
    SAPR1 Cash documents from FI document (RU)
    X Doc. necessary
    2. Assigning the program
    Company Code Correspondence Name of print program Name of variant
    Example of filling out a variant of the SAPR1 selection screen for thereport J_3RFKORKO
    Incoming order document type PO
    Outgoing order document type RO
    Form RU
    Cash account / in the chart of accounts 50100000
    Document number Å
    Document reference number
    Company executive Ivanov
    Position Executive
    Chief accountant Vasilevsky
    Cashier Petrovskaya
    Text ID* for passport data 1004
    Text ID* for "Accepted from"/"To pay" 1006
    Output to printer
    Data from the trigger table Å
    Correspondence SAPR1
    If no printer is specified in the variant for the correspondenceoutput, it is selected:

    • printer from the master record of the user who launched the program, or

    • printer specified at task planning.

    • * - ID for document text is created in the Implementation Guide:
      Menu path: Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Document -> DocumentHeader -> Define Text IDs for Documents
      3. Defining forms
      The following forms should be defined and activated in the system.Using the "Form Painter" SE71 transaction, you can make sure that theform exists in the client as well as copy a form from another client.
      4. Assigning forms to the correspondence
      Company Code Program Form
      5. Defining call options
      CoCd Correspondence DocEntry Paym. DispDoc DispAcc
      RU01 SAPR1 Cash documents X Å Å

      Entering values in cash documents fields
      Rules of outputting additional data for printing cash documents:
      Field Data source
      Data of confirming document Cash document "long text" (ID='1004')
      against which a cash payment
      document is issued (if HR
      module is not used)
      "Accepted from" (cash receipt - data from the customer/vendor
      document) / "To pay" (cash master record
      payment document) - HR data
      - one-time account data of the
      - cash document "long text" (ID='1006')
      in case of the correspondence with
      G/L accounts
      Reason Document header text
      Including "Text" field (for cash account item)
      Appendix "Text" field (for correspondent item)

      You can print documents in two ways: via the "Internal documents" menuitem, or via the correspondence trigger.

      Correspondence trigger
      Menu path: Financial Accounting -> General ledger/AccountsReceivable/Accounts Payable --> Periodic processing --> Printcorrespondence -> As per requests (transaction F.61).
      A correspondence request for the processed document should be createdin advance - from the document, or from the Customer/Vendor line itemdisplay.
      Menu path: Environment --> Correspondence.

      Internal documents
      Menu path: Financial Accounting -> General ledger/AccountsReceivable/Accounts Payable --> Periodic processing --> Printcorrespondence -> Internal documents (transaction F.62).
      Each document is issued separately. A separate spool request isgenerated for each company code. For testing purposes, a print previewcan be viewed on screen.
      If errors occur during a report run which are not serious enough toterminate processing, an error list is issued at the end of the reportrun. If error lists are to be issued on a specific printer, a printermust be defined in the log or versions of this. If no printer isentered for the log in the printer report, if applicable, the printeris selected from the user master data for the person who started theprogram, or the printer is used that was specified when the job wasscheduled. If the report is executed online then the error list isshown on the screen. If the program is scheduled as a job, the spoolrequest name for the error list consists of the identification F140ER,the printer name and, if applicable, the correspondence type and thecompany code.
      If the report is executed directly, then if a print output is executed,a log is produced with the generated spool requests for each reportrun. If no printer is entered for the log in the printer report, wherenecessary, the printer is selected from the user master data for theperson who started the program, or the printer is used that wasspecified when the job was scheduled. If the report is executed onlinethen the log is shown on the screen. If the program is scheduled as ajob, the spool request name for the log consists of the identificationF140, the printer name, the creation date and the programidentification KORD. If the print report is started by a higher-levelcorrespondence program, the printing of the log is initiated by thehigher-level program (e.g trigger for correspondence or receipts forcash payment).