SAP Program J_3GINVI - Input Sales Orders (Test) Jobs of Independent Documents from J_3GINVC

This program is used to transfer sales documents from external systemsinto the SAP system.

When you start the program, enter the name of the file path where thedata to be transferred is stored. The following rules apply for thestructure of this data:

  • The data is made up of records which, depending on content, have
  • different structures. Each structure has a name under which it isdefined in the Data Dictionary. Copy this name in the first field ofthe structure (field ....-TBNAM). For more information on howstructures are set up, see the Data Dictionary.
    • Header data and contract head data are transferred using structure
    • BVBAKKOM. Data on document partners is transferred to structureBVBPAKOM. You must enter the item number '00000' for header partners.You can also enter partners at item level by transferring them to therelated items with item number.
      • Item data and conditions are transferred using structure BVBAPKOM. This
      • structure can also be used to transfer an order quantity and arequested delivery date. These are first transferred as schedule lines.In credit/debit memo requests as in contracts, however, all targetquantites must be filled in.
        • Data regarding order quantities and dates in the form of schedule lines
        • can be transferred using structure BVBEPKOM.
          • At the beginning of each data record, the table name must be entered
          • for identification purposes (e.g. BVBAPKOM for item data). Note that,unlike with manual entry, fields must be transferred in part ininternal format: Date fields in Format YYYYMMTT, e.g. 19941231.
            • The date field must be in format YYYYMMDD, for example 19941231.

            • You must consider data element documentation when working with quantity
            • and value fields. Partner functions must be in internal format: AG =Sold-to party, WE = Ship-to party, RE= Invoice recipient, RG= Payer.
              • Order types must be in internal format, not in the language-dependent
              • translation, for example 'TA' for Terminauftrag instead of the englishtranslation 'OR' for standard order.
                • You must enter the period indicator for the requested delivery date in
                • internal format: 1 = day, 2 = week, 3 = month.
                  • Numerical fields and date fields which are not used must be
                  • reinitialized with zeros.
                    The following rules apply for the sequence of the data records:
                    • Each document begins with a header record (BVBAKKOM).

                    • These are followed by the partners (BVBPAKOM) for the document header.

                    • After that comes the item data and the schedule lines (BVBAPKOM,
                    • BVBEPKOM, and BVEDAKOM).
                      Sample sequence:
                      BVBAKKOM Header data in first order
                      BVBPAKOM Partner data
                      BVBPAKOM Partner data
                      BVBPAKOM Partner data
                      BVBPAKOM Partner data
                      BVBAPKOM Item 1 with a schedule line
                      BVBAPKOM Item 2 with the first schedule line
                      BVBEPKOM 2nd schedule line for Item 2
                      BVBEPKOM 3rd schedule line for Item 2
                      BVBAPKOM Item 3 with first schedule line
                      BVBEPKOM 2nd schedule line for Item 3
                      BVBAPKOM Item 4 with a schedule line
                      BVBAKKOM Header data in second order
                      BVBPAKOM ...
                      BVBPAKOM ...
                      The program reads the data and uses it to create sales documents. Theprogram RVINVBT0 can be used to create a file with test data.

                      A log is issued in which it is defined which data can be transferredand which cannot. If data cannot be transferred, this is explained byway of an error message. The old document and item number which weretransferred into the data records in the field OLDNR is given for eachnote in the log. Data which is not transferred must either be enteredmanually or processed in a later program run (after the input data hasbeen corrected). You can issue sales document data, which has not beentransferred, to a file for subsequent processing.